Congress accuses Modi of seeking credit for valour of Armed Forces


New Delhi, Mar 3 (UNI) Charging Prime Minister Narendra Modi of politicising the bravery and martyrdom of India’s soldiers, the Congress late on Saturday said that having failed on every front, seeking credit for the valour of Armed Forces was the last resort of PM Modi in the upcoming general elections.

Responding to the PM’s remarks at the India Today Conclave, in which he charged the Congress of playing with India’s national security for their political ends by doubting the armed forces, AICC media incharge Randeep Surjewala accused PM Modi of politicising the bravery and martyrdom of India’s soldiers.

‘Tragically, PM Modi has blatantly politicized the bravery and martyrdom of India’s soldiers as a political pamphlet. It seems that having failed on every front, shameless credit-seeking for the valor of Armed Forces is the last resort of PM Modi in the 2019-elections.” Surjewala said.

“Compromising National security and gross intelligence failure are the characteristic style of a non-functioning Modi Government. In last 56 months, 498 soldiers and officers have been martyred in J&K alone. In the month of February 2019 alone, 55 brave soldiers have laid down their lives for the Nation owing to the menace of Pak-sponsored terrorism. Pakistan has violated the LoC and International Border 5,665 times in last 56 months. Reason – only policy to fight Pak-sponsored terrorism of Mr Narendra Modi are big speeches in public rallies and on television,’Mr Surjewala said.

Responding to the PM’s charge that the previous UPA government resorted to giving doles and indulged in tourism, Mr Surjewala said it was the Narendra Modi government that symbolized Crony Deals’ & ‘Doles to Cronies’.

‘The very edifice of Modi Government is – By the cronies, of the cronies and for the cronies. A handful of Modiji’s crony industrialist friends have enjoyed ‘Achche din’ ’ for last 56 months. Modi Government waived off corporate loan worth Rs 3,17,000 crore owed by a handful of industrialists, but refused to provide succor to over 60 crore farmers and farm labourers. This is a classical example of ‘Doles to Modi Cronies’ & ‘Denial to India’s teeming millions’. Modiji will go down in history for his sinister attempt to undermine the Land Acquisition Act (Right to Fair Compensation Act), Forest Rights Act, MGNREGA and even corruption-fighting weapons like the RTI and the Lokpal. All these are directed at undermining India’s masses to benefit selected cronies.” Surjewala said adding that latest instances of Modiji’s cronyism are Rafale Deal and also handing over of 5 out of 6 Airports to his crony friends.

Responding to the PM on charging the previous UPA regime of defence scams and hindering the process of modernisation of defence forces, Mr Surjewals said,’ As Prime Minister speaks about accountability, he forgets that instead of bringing back Rs 80 lakh crore of black money within 100 days, as promised by him in 2014, the ilk of Mallya(Vijay) – Modi(Nirav) – Choksi(Mehul) and many others have ran away with nearly Rs 1 lakh crore of public money under his watch. Not only this, Nirav Modi was last seen getting himself photographed with PM Modi in the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.Is this the new normal for bank fraudsters under his watch?’

Earlier speaking at the India Today Conclave, the Prime Minister while taking a jibe at the previous UPA govt on various defence scams, said, ‘Why is it that those who ruled the nation for so many years have so many defence scams in their era? If a deal could not happen, defence modernisation could not happen. The entire nation knows who every defence deal middleman us close to. And Lutyens Delhi surely knows.The biggest sufferers of the policy are our Jawans and Kisans (farmers).’

The PM alleged that a proposal to buy 1.86 lakh bullet proof jackets for jawans remained pending in the UPA rule from 2009 to 2014.

‘We have bought 2.30 lakh bullet proof jackets in our tenure,’ the PM said.

He also blamed previous UPA government for a ‘token approach’ as against NDA’s ‘total approach.

‘Our 55 months and the 55 years of the others have given 2 contrasting approaches to the governance. They had a ‘token approach’, we have a ‘total approach’.” he said.

“India has been battling poverty but they gave a token slogan- ‘Garibi hatao’. How to achieve that, was not specified. If work has to be done, it has to be in totality, not with tokenism.That is why, all our initiatives aim for 100 per cent – Jan Dhan – financial inclusion and banking for all, Housing for All, Healthcare for All,’ the PM said.