Minu’s tryst with a danger that SUM doctors could manage to ward-off with skill and expertise.

What happened with a baby from Sonepur was close bruise with a fatality and that should be a lesson for many parents to see the kids unmindfully do not do what Minu unknowingly did.

Playing with a small whistle Minu by chance swallowed the whistle and her trachea got chocked with the blockade virtually restricting her ventilation to both the lungs.

When she tried to breath somehow the small hole in the trapped whistle allowed the air in but that produced a whistling note which raised an alarm for the panicked parents.

It could have been anything and could have slipped in leading to an entire chocking. God was with the baby.

The parents immediately rushed to Bhubaneswar and took her to the SUM hospital where the doctors took on the challenge with grit and patience. At a time when the entire state is under a lockdown the task was obviously harder.

Surgery was successful  the Head of ENT and Skull Base Surgery, Dr.Radhamadhab Sahu  conducted the Endoscopic procedure surgery using optical forceps to extricate the whistle.

The challenge before the Doctor and his team was mounting. “ These are very high risk procedures as they can lead to death if not not done within the fixed time period” a very jubiliant Dr.Sahu said amid the all smiling team comprising of Dr.Dipankar Parihari, anesthesia, Dr. Bhavani Pati,Dr.Ranjit Pati and Dr.Surupa Deviprada.

SUM Utlimate Medicare is equipped with all state-of-the-art facility and expertise to handle all such exigencies.