Lavasa directs Odisha govt to gear up and provide logistic arrangement for a free and fair poll

Election commissioner Ashok Lavasa directed the state electoral machinery in Odisha to gear up with logistic arrangements and address the concern of political parties.

The commission is committed to ensuring conducive environment for free and fair election in Odisha, Lavasa told newsmen here after reviewing the poll preparation for the 2019 general election with the representatives of various political and Police and other officials.

He said the officers were asked to make comprehensive action plans to enable voters to exercise their franchise without fear, pressure or allurement.

The officers were directed to use IT APPs – Samadhan Suvidha, e Vigil Apps to resolve the complaints promptly and in a transparent manner.

The Electon commissioner said e- Vigilance App has been developed to enable the citizens to file complaints regarding the violation of the Model Code of Conduct and action will be taken within 100 minutes of receiving the complainant.

The App, he said, would be activated in Odisha after the date for the election was announced.

The App has successfully been operated in five state assembly elections held recently. Out of 20,000 complaints received through the App 75 per cent allegations were found to be true and action taken in time,Mr.Lavasa said.

The SAMADHAN App helps to resolve complaints filed on line and citizens need not depend on officials for accepting their written complaint.

The new SUVIDHA App is a single window service on first come first serve basis to streamline candidate’s nominations, permission, counting and results display.

This apart, the Voter help line, PWD App and Observers App would also be used in the coming election to make the election free and fair,the Election commissioner said.