Lord Ram was a ‘socialist’ or not, He was not a politician like the ones of today

Lord Ram was a ‘socialist’ or not, He was a politician like the ones of today

After the recent spate of debates over God Hanuman blessing the Aam Admi Party to regain power in Delhi, a fresh discourse has emerged from nowhere to call Lord Ram as ‘one of the greatest socialist of his time’.

Perhaps, that remark from a leader of the Samajwadi Party has not gone well with the Bharaitya Janats Party, and may be for obvious reasons.

Uttar Pradesh chief minister has rather pleaded for a ‘Ramrajiya’ model which was purported to be a stand-apart political climate where no one should be deprived of the basic things of life. All about happiness.

Then why there is despise for the word socialism that also pleads for equality, in health, education and right to food.

Lord Ram was whether a socialist or not, going through the details of the epics, he was never a person who promoted a class conscious society.

His quest for the truth about living conditions and suffering, may be, was portrayed in his ‘banwas’(exile) when he stayed in mud huts, ate whatever was available and loved to watch the nature and its inhabitants from close.

Lord Ram would not have been happy about what goes on in the name of democracy where the ones in power keep scrutinising the statistics on expenditure but rarely get down to the bottom to see what people got.

No politicians of the day hides his or her sympathy for the people ruled, yet, a few of them go about realising the pain of staying in slums and look up at a paradise like mansion being readied for the privileged ones, who are also like book trained socialists lecturing on poverty eradication.

It is time when no name of any God or Goddess are dragged to the political discourses to further aggravate the situation