RSS for first time sets 2025 as deadline for construction of Ram Temple

Published: Jan 18, 2019, 5:36 pm IST

(UNI) Amid heightened debate on the construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya and Prime Minister Narendra Modi maintaining that the government would await Supreme Court verdict on it, the RSS on Friday set 2025 as the deadline for the construction of a grand temple.

“Chha varsh ke paschaat 2025 mein phir se Kumbh Sampan hoga, tab tak Bharat ke Pratik Ram Mandir ki bhi nirman prakriya purn hokor rashtra samridhi ki deesha me agey barega (After six years, in 2025 there will be Kumbh yet again. By then we should have a Ram Temple which will be symbolic of national pride and progress),” senior RSS leader Bhaiyyaji Joshi said at Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh after a meeting between top VHP and RSS leaders.

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