Omar requests Nitish to protect burial ground of Medieval Kashmir ruler in Bihar

Published: Jan 20, 2019, 3:32 pm IST

Reacting to reports that burial ground of exiled Yusuf Shah Chak, who ruled Kashmir from 1579 to 1586, is under ‘threat’ from landgrabbers in Bihar, National Conference (NC) vice-president Omar Abdullah on Sunday requested Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to protect the part of Kashmir’s history that lies far from the valley.
“I request @NitishKumar ji to protect this part of Kashmir’s history that lies far from the valley in Bihar,” Mr Abdullah, who is the former chief minister of the state, wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Chak, who succeeded his father Ali Shah, was imprisoned by the Mughal emperor Akbar and later exiled to Bihar.
Mr Abdullah was reacting to a report published in a daily national English newspaper under the headline, “Forgotten in a field far away: Grave of an exiled Kashmiri king lies in ruins in Bihar.” (UNI)

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