Symantec launches advanced EDR Tools to stop most dangerous cyber threats

Published: Jan 30, 2019, 2:39 pm IST

Symantec Corp, the world’s leading cyber security company, on Wednesday announced a new Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (MEDR) service and enhanced EDR 4.0 technology.
These advancements improve attack discovery and incident response using AI-driven analytics and automation to quickly discover and stop sophisticated cyber attacks.
Enterprise IT and Security Ops teams are increasingly challenged to investigate and respond to advanced and emerging threats with available resources and staff.
Symantec’s MEDR service harnesses the power of EDR 4.0 to improve incident response, threat hunting and forensics, fortifying teams with investigation expertise and threat intelligence from a world-class team of Symantec SOC analysts.
Symantec MEDR detects stealthy attacks and expertly examines suspicious activity for faster incident validation and response. A powerful combination of Symantec EDR 4.0, the SOC technology platform, and the Global Intelligence Network, allows Symantec analysts to provide 24×7 expertise. Managed threat hunting, remote investigations, and endpoint containment enable security teams around the world to stay ahead of threats. (UNI)

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