PM Modi uses Dandi March anniversary to blast Congress on ‘corruption’


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday paid rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi for his launch of Dandi March in 1930 and asserted that his government has been carrying out all its works in the true spirit of the guidance of the Father of the Nation.
“Gandhi Ji taught us to think of the plight of the poorest person we have seen and think about how our work impacts that person. I am proud to say that in all aspects of our Government’s work, the guiding consideration is to see how it will alleviate poverty and bring prosperity,” Prime Minister wrote in a blog paying tributes to Gandhiji for the launch of Dandi March also known as the Salt March of 1930.
“Tributes to Bapu and all those who marched with him to Dandi in pursuit of justice and equality.
Sharing a few thoughts on the Dandi March, the ideals of Bapu and his disdain for the Congress culture in my blog,” Mr Modi tweeted.
The 24-day march lasted from March 12 to April 6 in 1930 and was seen as a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly.
The Dandi March gained worldwide attention and given a major booster to the Independence movement.
In his blog, Mr Modi said while Mahatma Gandhi spoke about the need to stay away from excess wealth. “However, all that Congress has done is to fill their own bank accounts and lead luxurious lifestyles,” he wrote.
“Bapu said in 1947, “It is the duty of all leading men, whatever their persuasion or party, to safeguard the dignity of India. That dignity can’t be saved if misgovernment and corruption flourish.
Misgovernment and corruption always go together.” We have done everything to punish the corrupt,”
Prime Minister writes.
“But, the nation has seen how Congress and corruption have become synonyms. Name the sector and there will be a Congress scam- from defence, telecom, irrigation, sporting events to agriculture, rural development and more. Bapu spoke about detachment and staying away from excess wealth. However, all that Congress has done is to fill their own bank accounts and lead luxurious lifestyles at the cost of providing basic necessities to the poor,” Mr Modi wrote. (UNI)