India today is extremely angry, we have to act in a manner that battle with Pak has to be decisively won by us: Jaitley

  Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday said the anger among people of the country after the Pulwama terror attack is ‘unprecedented ‘ and that we have to act in a manner that battle with Pakistan has to be decisively won by us.
”India today is extremely angry. In my lifetime, we have seen wars. We have seen human tragedies. We have seen Prime Ministers assassinated by terrorists. But the kind of anger which has been there, even on previous occasions, the one this time is unprecedented.
There is a huge gap in the strength between the two countries. But Pakistan does not learn. Without getting into the details, like the Prime Minister has said, India will exercise all options, diplomatic or otherwise. We have to act in a manner that this battle has to be decisively won by us.,”Mr Jaitley said at the Global business summit here.
Describing Pakistan as a “rogue state”, he said,”Pakistan is not willing to give up its traditional role in the neighbourhood as a ‘rogue state’, the head of the government says, give me actionable intelligence. You need an actionable intelligence if it is a blind offence. But , here is a man sitting in your own country who owned up to the offence. So when there is a confession.You have people sitting in your own country and admitting to the offence and saying that yes we have done it and taking credit for it.
Of the people who died in encounter two were Pakistani nationals associated with JeM. You can still come up with denials. I think that Pakistan is riding a tiger on this issue and tiger never spares its own rider.”
He said that India has all options at its command.
”The Prime Minister has said that India has all options at its command. I think all options need not be exhausted at one go. This is not a one week battle. It should be undertaken in various forms,”Mr Jaitley said.
On the increasing demand that India should not play cricket match with Pakistan, he said ,”at this juncture the atmosphere is hostile and hence the country cannot seen to be playing friendly or even competitive matches with them. The feeling of the people (on this issue) is understandable.” (UNI)