Centre asks all states & UTs to ensure security all Kashmiri students

  The Centre on late Friday evening asked all States and Union Territories to ensure adequate safety and security provided to the Kashmiri students and residents and prevent boycott in their respective areas after the Supreme Court prodding.
In a letter written to the all Chief Secretaries and Director Generals of Police of the States and UTs, the Home Ministry said that the Centre was concerned at the reports of incidents of assaults and harassment against residents of Jammu and Kashmir, especially students in some parts of the country, in the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack on February 14.
“In this regard, an Advisory dated February 16 was issued to all State Governments and Union Territory Administrations to take necessary steps to ensure safety and security of the persons belonging to Jammu and Kashmir”, the letter said.
The Home Ministry move comes after apex court order on Friday which directed that the Nodal Officers appointed by the States and UTs for the safety and security of residents of Jammu and Kashmir would take necessary steps to prevent acts of violence, discrimination and other coercive acts against Kashmiris including students enrolled with the institutions in the respondent States and the Union Territories and other minorities in the wake of the terrorist attack on February14.
The MHA has reiterated that State Governments and Union Territory Administrations and the Nodal Officers appointed by them were once again advised to take all necessary steps to prevent any act of assault, threat, intimidation, social boycott against Kashmiris including students as well as minorities in accordance with the latest order of the Supreme Court.
Home Ministry also advised that the name of ‘Nodal Officers’ should be given wide publicity within their State and UT. (UNI)