Bloggers to explore tourist places in Odisha, promote sports tourism

Bloggers to explore tourist places in Odisha, promote sports tourism

Eight bloggers will go around Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Chilika, Gopalpur, Konark and Chandrabagha beach in Odisha to explore and pen down their experiences.

Odisha Tourism is collaborating with Air Asia for a Bloggers Trail from July 19 to 21 next. The trail was rescheduled from April due to Cyclone Fani which hit the coast on May 3 last.

The bloggers will also get a chance to witness world class sporting action in Cuttack at the Commonwealth Table Tennis Championship for promoting Odisha Tourism’s agenda of Sports Tourism.

Activities like lessons on cooking Odia cuisine to Pattachitra are planned for the bloggers as well.
Tourism secretary Vishal K Dev said “We are looking forward to host the bloggers and are glad to collaborate with Air Asia on the same.”