Fear grips NDA on Citizenship bill, PM tries to breath consolation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday stuck to his assertive tone and reiterated that the Citizenship Amendment Bill being piloted by his government will not harm the interests of Assam and the north east in any manner.

Addressing a public function in Guwahati after inaugurating a number of developmental projects, the Prime Minister said some people and political parties are indulging in motivated campaign and spreading falsehood about the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

In reference to stiff opposition to the Bill, which may come before the Rajya Sabha on February 12 during the ongoing Budget session of Parliament, Prime Minister said the draft law is not linked only to the north eastern region or Assam.

“It is rather linked to people across the country who have faith and respect for Maa Bharti – Mother India. It is these people who had to flee from neighbouring countries to save their lives and to continue uphold their religious faith,” he said.

“They might have come from Pakistan, Afghanistan or even Bangladesh…..Before 1947, they were all part of India only. When country was partitioned, the minorities there like Hindus, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists had stayed back there,” he said adding but unfortunately they were ‘tortured’ and had to come to India.

“Unko Samarthan dena, yeh Hindustan ka kartavya hae (It is our national duty to give support to these people),” he said.

Mr Modi targeted Congress for shedding crocodile tears on Assam Accord inked during the tenure of Rajiv Gandhi in 1985 and said why was it not implemented in letter and spirit in so many years when the principal opposition party has been in power both in the state and at the Centre.

“Have they not done injustice to the people of Assam,” he said amid thundering applause by the large gathering here.

“If anyone can fulfill your demand on implementation of the Assam Accord after so many years, it is the Modi Sarkar which alone can do it,” he said in presence of state Chief Minister Sarbanand Sonowal, who was once a pro-active student leader in the state.

This country will never have a place for ‘infiltrators’, he said adding, “for vote bank politics and to garner electoral benefits, I will never allow the state of Assam to suffer”.

A few days back, the Prime Minister had told a large gathering in Jammu that – “There are so many children of Maa Bharti who have faced persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. We will stand with those who were part of India at one time, but got separated from us”.