Fund crunch, can’t buy vehicles: Armed Forces canteen

Cited budget constraint, the Canteen Stores Department (CSD) on Wednesday issued a fresh advisory that the sale of two, as well as four wheelers, will be restricted till March 31 this year.

“In light of budgetary constraint, it has been decided to temporarily suspend Against Firm Demand-1 (AFD) (Four wheelers and two-wheelers only) at all depots with immediate effect,” the CSD advisory said.

It further added that for resumption, separate instructions will be issued on the availability of funds.

A few days back, Pune-based Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (PCDA) has said it will no longer process claims by Army officers going on courses, assignments and postings due to the crunch of funds.

The PCDA deals with payment of salary and allowances and all claims of Army officers.

“Due to insufficient funds available under temporary duty and permanent duty heads of Army officers, no TA/DA (travelling allowance), advances and claims can be processed till receipt of sufficient funds under the relevant heads. However, the facility for LTC (leave travel concession) will continue,” said the PCDA (officers).

The move had led to widespread outrage in the armed forces.

Later, the defence ministry clarified and said that the funds in any specific head may fall short momentarily.

“These are only temporary and resolved routinely through re-appropriations as in the instant case,” a defence official said.