Hoda Muthana: Trump bars US-born woman who joined ISIS from returning

President Donald Trump have said that the woman who left the US to become a propagandist for the Islamic State (IS) group will not be allowed to return to US.

“I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the country,” Trump said in a Twitter message on Wednesday.

Earlier, Mr Pompeo had stated that the 24-year-old was not a US citizen and would not be admitted, reported BBC.

However,Muthana’s family and her lawyer maintain that she has US citizenship.

Muthana has said that she wants to return to the United States and face the US justice system

Ms Muthana, who grew up in Alabama, travelled to Syria to join IS when she was 20. She had told her family she was going to a university event in Turkey.

Muthana has an 18-month-old son and has realized that she made a mistake by moving to Syria to join the terrorist group.

According to the media outlet, during her time in Syria, Muthana called on her fellow Americans to wage attacks and spread IS propaganda online.

Earlier in February, Trump had called on the United Kingdom, France and Germany to “take back” more than 800 IS militants and bring them to justice. (UNI)