Rafale files stolen, AG tells SC

Rafale files stolen, AG tells SC

The Attorney General, KK Venugopal, told the Supreme Court on Wednesday that the note files related to the Rafale deal were allegedly stolen and they were taking action against the newspaper that carried a report about it and a lawyer for alleged violating the Official Secrets Act.

The top law officer representing the central government, while arguing in connection with the Rafale deal scam case, said that the note files were stolen and a newspaper published it. “We may take action against the newspaper and a lawyer for alleged violation of the Official Secrets Act (OSA),” he added.

A three-judge bench of the top court, headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi, was hearing the submissions made by the AG and the petitioners — Prashant Bhushan, Manohar Lal Sharma and others.

One of the petitioners, Prashant Bhushan, told the SC that the only question before the court was whether the complaint before CBI amounted to a cognisable offense or not.

“If it amounts to a cognisable offence, why CBI haven’t filed an FIR,” he argued.

Bhushan said, “if they (CBI) haven’t found any cognisable offence, they should have written to us about the same.” (UNI)