Toyota’s road safety program aims to instill road safety culture among students

Toyota Kirloskar Motor on Saturday organised a national platform on road safety for the state level winners with an aim to evaluate the real-time learnings and applications by the students.

Aimed at enhancing the level of road awareness, ‘Toyota Safety Education Program’ (TSEP) is an interactive learning program targeted at school children between the age group of 10-14 years educating them on the importance of road safety through a phase-wise approach.

Expressing his views Toyota Kirloskar Motor, vice-president Naveen Soni said, “We are happy to see such enthusiasm and participation among school children. Through these fun and innovative sessions, our endeavor is to inculcate the safety concept in the young minds.

“We, at Toyota, believe that Education is the most effective way to bring in a constructive change in the society. Being safety leader, we strive to ensure safety of every road user be it driver or pedestrian. As we believe, children are the future of our country, our aim is to develop them to be the ‘Road Safety Ambassadors’ & advocate the safety cause to tackle one of the grave national issues.”

The Toyota Safety Education Programme – TSEP was initiated in 2007 followed by the new module roll-out in 2008 through a national launch across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore.

“Our key objective is to bring a self-transformation amongst the school children by raising safety awareness through this TSEP program and at the same time bring in a large societal change through their safe actions at road.

“Being a responsible auto manufacturer, our focus is not only on manufacturing safe cars, but also to bring positive behavioural change in the society towards safe road practices. Our safety approach being 3-dimensional, focuses towards Safer Cars-Safe Driving-Safe Environment. We acknowledge the support from the Traffic Police and Schools for their dedicated support towards this road safety campaign,” he added.

The event was graced by Eish Singhal, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Delhi Traffic Police, Ramdeep Choudhary, Deputy Secretary (MoRTH), Mr. Kamal Singh, Executive Director – UNGCNI (UN Global Compact Network India).(UNI)