Trump wants to start showing migrant detention centers to press

US President Donald Trump has said that he is going to let media into the migrant detention facilities so that the press could see what is going on there amid harsh criticism for overcrowding and poor conditions at these centers.

US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has been facing backlash after reports emerged about migrants, including children, being kept in poor conditions with inadequate food, water and sanitary supplies while in the agency’s custody in Texas. On July 1, Democratic members of US Congress visited two Texas border facilities and later expressed outrage over the worsening humanitarian crisis in there.
“I want the press to go in and see them. We’re going to send people in. We’re going to have some of the press go in and see,” Trump was quoted as saying by the CNN broadcaster on Sunday.

He also stressed that the centers were extremely crowded but thanks to Mexico the situation was getting better.

“They are crowded because people come up. But now, thanks to Mexico, it’s slowing down greatly and I think you will star seeing some very good numbers,” Trump noted.
In June, Trump announced that the United States and Mexico had reached a deal, under which Washington would abandon earlier announced plans to impose tariffs on Mexican goods in a bid to stop migrant influx. The deal stipulates that Mexico will deploy its National Guard to its southern border and will work to dismantle human smuggling networks.

Trump has repeatedly expressed concerns over the situation with migrant detention centers, calling it terrible and horrendous. He also put the blame on the Democrats and the administration of his predecessor, Barack Obama. On June 27, US Congress passed a $4.6 billion humanitarian aid package to address the crisis at the United States’ border with Mexico. Last week, the president signed the legislation.