Uproar in Odisha Assembly over misutilization of Contingency fund

Uproar in Odisha Assembly over misutilization of Contingency fund

Odisha Assembly witnessed uproarious scenes as Opposition BJP today protested the utilization contingency fund in a planned manner by the state government. The BJP Members also protested and opposed the passage of demands for grants of the first Special Supplementary statement of expenditure for recoupment of advance from Odisha Contingency Fund for 2019-20 without debate in the house yesterday.

Raising the issue during zero hour, Opposition Chief Whip Mohan Majhi said passing of the demands for grants and spending contingency fund for planned schemes violates the provisions of the constitution.

He said, as per the provision the contingency fund is meant to meet the unforeseen exigencies but the government was spending the money for planned schemes like KALIA, Swachha Bharat and Madhu Babu pension scheme violating the provisions of the constitution.

The BJP members demanded a ruling from the Speaker who turned down the demand and asked the Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment Minister to reply to a debate on the admissibility of an adjournment motion on the farmers suicide.
Irked over the Speaker’s decision, the BJP members rushed to the well and created a ruckus in the house. They thumped the chair, tried to snatch the Speaker’s microphone. Some of them tried to climb up to the Speaker’s podium but were prevented by the watch and ward staff of the Assembly.
The BJP members were seen shouting slogan ‘’save the constitution.’’
The Speaker said the members can discuss the issue during the discussion of the Appropriation bill today and requested them to go back to their seat.
The house soon plunged into a chaotic situation as the agitated BJP members did not pay any heed to the Speaker’s appeal to go back to the seat and cooperate with the business of the house.