ISS probationers of 2023 Batch meet Odisha Development Commissioner

ISS probationers of 2023 Batch

ISS probationers of 2023 Batch: The 45th batch (2023) of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Probationers, who were undergoing training at Regional Institute of Planning Applied Economics & Statistics at Bhubaneswar from 20th    to 23rd August had an interactive session with Smt. Anu Garg, IAS, Development Commissioner-Cum-Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Odisha in her Office Chamber at Lok Seva Bhawan on Friday Dt.23.08.2024.

The DC-Cum-ACS Smt. Garg highlighted the structure and role of Planning & Convergence Department, Odisha in the Government process. She emphasized on the role and importance of Statistics in the process of good Governance and decision making.         She also mentioned about the steps taken by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha through digitalization, quality assurance of data, user engagement, filling data gaps, strengthening institution capacity for building a state of the art Statistical System for the State of Odisha. Sri Akshya Ku Rautray Director RIPAE&S was also present during the interactive session.