Vedanta Company Pond Collapsed Matter: LSA appeal for action

Vedanta Company Pond

Vedanta Company Pond Collapsed Matter: Lok Shakti Abhiyan (LSA) a national level NGO’s President Sri Prafulla Samantara has appealed to State Pollution Controle Board to take urgent action against Vedanta Company. Because the red mud pond of company collapsed and resulted severe water pollution in river, small canals, agriculture fields and also affecting health of human beings and domestic animals.

Sri Samantara wrote a letter to the Chairman of Odisha State Pollution Control Board regarding this matter.  He mentioned that due to carelessness, non-maintenance and lack of preventive measures of Vedanta Lanjigarh Alumina Plant Authority, the red mud pond collapsed yesterday.

He also said that Vedanta Company is a habitual violator of environment laws. Thus, Local habitats and villagers are victimized of poisonous pollution made through breaking of Ash and Red mud ponds frequently. He urges the Board to take immediate inquiry and necessary action to stop flow of poisonous water.