Over 10 Lakh cases worth settlement value of nearly ₹3228.Cr disposed of in last National Lok Adalat

New Delhi, Last National Lok Adalat of the year 2020 was organised through virtual and physical mode across the country under the aegis of the National Legal Services Authority on 12.12.2020. The requisite safety protocol in view of the COVID-19 pandemic was strictly observed by all SLSAs and DLSAs during organisation of daylong event of the Lok Adalat.

A total number of 8152 Benches were constituted by 31 SLSAs to conduct the National Lok Adalat. It was successful in disposing of 10,42,816 cases. Out of the total cases disposed of 5,60,310cases were at the pre-litigation stage and 4,82,506 cases were those which were pending in the courts. The details, as provided by states on NALSA portal, indicate that the settlement amount was nearly ₹3227.99 Cr.

In the aforesaid National Lok Adalat, cases pertaining to MACT cases, labour dispute, money recovery, land acquisition, maintenance cases, NI Act cases under Section 138, Criminal Compoundable Offences, matrimonial disputes (except divorce), service matters relating to pay, allowances and retirement benefits, other civil cases (rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits) etc. were taken up.

Lok Adalat, conducted by National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) is an alternative method of dispute resolution. It is a forum where disputes/cases pending in the court of law or at pre-litigation stage are settled / compromised amicably. Lok Adalats have been given statutory status under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987. Under the said Act, the award (decision) made by the Lok Adalats is deemed to be a decree of a civil court and is final and binding on all parties and no appeal lies against such an award before any court of law. National Lok Adalats are conducted quarterly for settlement of cases (both pre-litigation and post-litigation) in all the courts from the Supreme Court of India to the Taluk Courts on a single day.

To overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic in making this ADR forum for settling disputes accessible to various sections of people, the Legal Services Authorities introduced virtual Lok Adalat i.e., E-Lok Adalat in the year 2020. E-Lok Adalat by leveraging technology has provided a platform to millions of people to settle their disputes. Upto November 2020, a total number of 3,00,200 cases have been disposed of through the said E-Lok Adalats.