Over 24 crore COVID vaccine doses administered in country so far

New Delhi, India has crossed a major landmark with administration of more than 24 crore Covid Vaccine doses to the beneficiaries so far. The Union Health Ministry has informed that more than 33 lakh 79 thousand vaccine doses were given in the country in the last 24 hours.

Out of this nearly 30 lakh beneficiaries were vaccinated the 1st dose whereas around 3 lakh beneficiaries received their 2nd dose of the vaccine. The cumulative figure of vaccine doses administered under the largest vaccination drive in the country now stands at over 24 crore 27 lakh.

The Health Ministry confirmed that so far over 3 crore 42 lakh doses of the vaccine have been given to people in the age group of 18 to 44 years. Nearly 19 lakh beneficiaries in this age group received their first jabs in the last 24 hours whereas around 86 thousand others were given their second dose.

The Ministry said, more than 10 lakh beneficiaries in the age group of 18-44 years have already received their first dose of COVID vaccine in the States of Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

So far nearly 19 crore 53 lakh people in the country have received their first dose of the COVID vaccine whereas nearly 4 crore 75 lakh have been fully vaccinated with both the required doses.

Union Health Ministry said, vaccination is an integral pillar of the comprehensive strategy of the Government for containment and management of the pandemic, along with Test, Track, Treat and COVID Appropriate Behaviour.

The Liberalised and Accelerated Phase-3 Strategy of Covid-19 Vaccination has come into force from 1st of last month.