A Legislator’s ill-timed night-out concern, needs a dressing down by the leadership

Samikhsya Bureau

The incident of a murderous assault on a man in Bhubaneswar over a trivial cause was shocking, raising questions about social safety. But what  followed was no less baffling.

That was the mysterious visit of the BJD MLA Ananta Narayan Jena to the victim’s house inside an apartment in Bhubaneswar!

Was he driven by his empathy for the victim or it had something else? Obviously, there seems to be something more than the eyes meet.

A visit by a legislator, along with some others, and at 1 am, a time when devils dare not tread out, must raise eyebrows and it did.

The area falls within the limits of his Assembly segment and so, Jena was, perhaps, overwhelmed by an emotional attainment to empathize with the victim and his family, is something hard to buy.

When a man (victim) had a brush with near death attack after the merciless bashing, leaving him with a sunken eye, Jena’s ill-timed outburst of concern for the victim has remained in a mist of animated suspense.

Perplexed by the incident, a family that naturally remained in a kind of phobia of a backlash, the MLA’s concern could not have been more nightmarish and bit uncivil as well.

Jena need not explain that further but, rather, the party leadership should admonish him to refrain from such misadventure in future.