If flags can campaign, then let’s mute the loudspeakers. Or is it just a defensive stunt?


Sanikhsya Bureau

In India, it is only one flag that inspires all of us for patriotism or prosperity. That is the national flag.  But today a new report said Bharatiya Janata Party national president Amit Shah initiated the hoisting of a flag of the party as a prelude and announced that about five crore party people will follow suit before a certain deadline. That was done under the ‘Mera Parivar Bhajapa Parivar’ programme. A programme that would have a nationwide ramification to instill a sense of pride and patriotism.

“Patriotism is the heart, national spirit filled in our home and BJP everywhere,” he wrote. According to the report, several net savvy BJP supporters sent messages eulogising the party and many other things alluding to lord Rama and so on.

The report further read that about five crore party activists will hoist the party flag at their homes as a mission to see that the party romps home back in the next polls this year.

The spirits apart, let’s imagine the cost factor. Even if one flag costs on an average Rs.100 then it is going to be a whopping sum. Secondly, as the party always claims, that performance speaks volumes and the nation knows all that. If performance speaks, then what can the party flags add up? As such all parties in India, before each poll, leave the cities, towns and villages strewn with the flags of yesterdays to remain undissolved! Where do the spirit go then.

In a nutshell, such an exercise of hoisting party flags by five crore people is nothing but a reflection of over-defensiveness may be in the guise of outreach.

One can do politics within the given parameters as one chooses, but expecting the people to get swayed by such kindergarten philosophy is something hard to comprehend.