Justice done but there is need for change in the frame of mind, both men and women

Tihar Jail

Samikhsya Bureau

If the hanging of the four accused in Nirbhaya rape case is understood to be a lesson for all such criminals, then it is not a lasting one.

Even after the hanging orders from the courts were pronounced, a chain of such incidents rocked the psyche of the nation.

Awarded with a death sentence after eight long years of judicial scrutiny and media trials was a kind of defeat of the victim. It is not merely the case of Nirbhaya but, there are hundreds of such victims get subjected by the mockery of procedural delays.

Be it the case of Unnao or Hyderabad, en number of incidents of rape and murder only sully the calendars and make them appear like mug books.

Days are gone when man used his bestiality as a tool to dominate and in all such cases, be it sexual harassment or rape and murder, there is a common victim.. that is woman.

Ravaging body & soul

Impact of virality of a disease can be contained but, bestialising of a crime like rape is so endemic that, it cannot be easily cured by any vaccine. Nor even by a capital punishment awarded in rare of the rarest cases like in the case of  Nirbhaya.

A woman gets ravished, a mountain load of evidences against the perpetrators, yet the integrity of women is undermined, made vulnerable by a mind-set and made  worse by an archaic legal rule-book.

While a victim’s frame of mind and physic gets ravaged by an act of a rapist, it gets more degraded by the delay in making the accused repent for the barbaric crime he committed.

It cannot be one sided always

For a while leaving aside the case of Nirbhaya, it cannot be generalised that all such acts of sexual harassment are always one-sided.

Even in a few cases, where consensual intimacy suddenly turns bitter, normally the role of the victim is ignored. As who transpired the situation and the causes those lead to a discord followed by allegations.