“Life will not be the same ever” the seven words are like burning nails humanity should come to accept

Samikshya Bureau

‘Time is no more as it was’ was, in essence, the stoic yet a very pragmatic take by the chief minister of Odisha. There is no reason to interpret it politically.

That is the stark reality now we must prepare ourselves to live with. Many things have already changed with a stern warning from the nature that, it cannot be the same for decades, perhaps.

One cannot yet ignore the close brush that the chief minister appeared to have with the situation where a devil (coronavirus) controls our lives. He sounded like a general who can only implore and not command at this juncture.

Complacent trance 

A fascinating battle between patience of people and the stench of a filthy disease that has assaulted on the pretensions and arrogance of humanity.

Perhaps the situation has come as a reminder, as how much we were not even aware of that, how far we had been over-relaxed in mind and social vigilance by the crazy flattering of modernity and for years and years, have not been able put aside our prejudices  to welcome, with open arms, what we see today in different names but has no shape.

Corona is one of them that keeps hounding each one of us like a cat among the pigeons.

This fear would, in all likelihood, haunt us for generations, regret of losing some and the fear of another virus coming some other day !

Time has started teaching us, as the lockdown goes on, how to live, not only  without the love for liberty and despite it too.

It is frightening state and imagine the children and younger ones have volunteered to remain hostage inside the houses, away from the sun light and their intimacy with being active.

A combined dose of claustrophobia and monotony has already started impacting the children with Mysophobia and febrile fantasies.

A recent news read,  that a man has chosen to make a cottage by fastening together trees in the wild and lives there to escape from the claws of the disease ! Is that a beginning towards a change!

‘It can never be same’

A good thought must have gone into those  words above by the chief minister, like an wake-up call for the fresh reconciliation with the new times ahead.

Corona is far more dangerous thing than it appears and cannot be viewed like an unruly adolescent bowing before hard prescriptions.

After what has happened in America and Italy, and in few more European nations, we have to feel the terror of the transience.

US witnesses 800 deaths in one day preceded by 1000 plus on another day.

A symptom of a fabulous disorder of the nature that may take so many years to replenish the loss.

Something has gone terribly wrong?

Chirping of birds breaking the silence at dawn, wild animals sauntering into city roads, are symbolic of their unwillingness to brook the ravages they are subjected to by human for last several decades.

No body knows how long the curse will last as hopes of prevention is very meek and it only adds to the complexities of the doctors and experts.

The assumptions about a preparedness to fight the virus can be a consolation but, often it has appeared bit overstated in the light of the uncertainty.

Education gets a new twist as students have to go for online teachings. A skill that majority of them do not know and even for majority of teachers it is somehow an alien thing. It can never be the same if a teacher doesn’t teach in person.

It all contains a kind of warning, it is not prophesy. It is about a continuing present which has to be altered, a reminder of so many good things we usually avoid, but they matter the most.