Honesty has no religion and humanity cannot be blurred by greed, is what a man from Odisha has proved.
A simple private security guard from Bhubaneswar has demonstrated it. The man, Mudbir Khan, who traced a wallet of someone on a road side undertook the pain to travel all the way to Keonjhar to return the purse to the owner.
Sharp in contrast to what seen on the streets of the cities, where humanity often seen stymied by other passions , Mudbir was different.
When he found certain important documents inside the wallet, including some money, and traced the loser of the purse to Keonjhar, believe it or not, he boarded a bus and reached the native of the man who had lost the purse.
Mudbir did what many may not. It reminds of incidents when lost and found cases in India are rare, even people take pleasure in making video recordings of people battling with death due to accidents, Mudbir has shown the other way to humanity.