No symptom necessarily for COVID-19 infected ones! State must clear it

With 1,384 new cases, Odisha's Covid tally rises to 37,681

With new cases of COVID-19 positive cases from various parts of the country and in the state as well, a big confusion has been created over the symptoms even for people who stay at homes.

Earlier it was claimed that, the new virus has symptoms like running nose, coughing, breathing problem and sore throat etc, a statement from the Odisha government COVID-19 cell an officer was heard saying that, anyone  may have the Corona virus even without any of the above symptoms manifested.

That leaves the common man as how to self-assess about the infection or all of the population should go ahead for the testings.

If one has no symptom, obviously he or she may not volunteer for a call to 104.

The state health wing must make it clear as what are the procedures any one in sound health to follow to know if he or she has the virus or not.

Such contradictory statements apparently lead to more confusion and contagion also. Contagion because, one with the infection can further infect others unknowingly.