Post ‘Rahul Gandhi failure’, Congress to bank on Priyanka, says a new book penned by right wing writer

Post ‘Rahul Gandhi failure’, Congress to bank on Priyanka; says a new book

In the season of intense speculation that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra may contest from Varanasi and her husband Robert Vadra could join Congress formally, a new book says it was always a foregone conclusion that ‘post Rahul Gandhi failure’, Priyanka will be asked to revive the Congress.

“Till date, we don’t know who the next president of the BJP will be, but we were absolutely certain that post the failure of Rahul Gandhi, it would be Priyanka who will be called upon to play an active role in politics,” says a new book ‘The New Age Karyakarta – From Posting Posters on the Wall to Posting on the Wall’.

Penned by right wing intellectual Sumeet Bhasin, the book says: “The rise of the BJP and the fall of the Congress was inevitable as the Congress has become a dynasty and it lacks merit in its leadership while the BJP continues to reward merit as the party is far more democratic than any other political party in India”.

In fact, speaking at the release of the book here on Saturday, BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri has said that the ‘power and the importance’ given to a Karyakarta (faceless BJP worker) can be well understood from the fact that from a position of two-MP party in 1984, the saffron outfit is today the largest party in the world and is in power in India.

“I don’t know about others, at least I never imagined that we will ever form government in the Centre. The credit for this goes to BJP’s dependence on workers, the Karyakartas. And in contrast there is the story of downfall in Congress as the emphasis has been always on one family,” the South Delhi MP said.

In the foreword to the book, Rajya Sabha MP and senior BJP leader Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe flays all the ‘dynasty driven parties’. “In fact, dynasty driven parties have contributed to the negative image of politics in a huge way,” he writes adding: “…..many consider that Party building needs no significant qualities much less any understanding of human development and science of organisation”.

Giving quite a new twist to the entire electioneering process vis-a-vis BJP’s battle of 2019, the book also reminds the Karyakartas of the gross failure of 2004 when the Vajpayee government failed to return to power.

In this context, the writer Bhasin says: “Let this election be a tribute to Atalji by making 2019 the exact opposite of 2004 and by bringing BJP back to power”.

He further notes: “By having Prime Minister Modiji for another term, we will ensure that the process of building up of India continues….”. (UNI)