RS Member Sonal Mansingh to present dance performance for MPs

Renowned Indian classical dancer and Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) Sonal Mansingh will perform and present a dance production for the Members of Parliament on Tuesday.

Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu and Members of Par will attend the programme, being organised by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat, in G M C Balayogi Auditorium in Parliament House Complex.

Dr Mansingh’s dance production slated for Tuesday is choreographed on the theme ‘Sankalp se Siddhi’.

It has been choreographed to inspire positive actions for change based on Swachh Vichar (Pure Thought), Swachh Vani (Good Speech) and Swachh Vyavahaar (Correct Behaviour).

Dr Mansingh was nominated to Rajya Sabha in July, 2018. She is a recipient of Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan awards for her contribution to promotion of culture.