Bhaichung Bhutia to file nominations from 2 Constituencies


Working President and ex-footballer Bhaichung Bhutia will be filing nomination from Gangtok and Tumin Lingi constituencies in the Sikkim assembly elections, party spokesperson Biraj Adhikarisaid here today.
HSP today released the 4th list of candidates for the ensuing Sikkim Legislative Assembly elections, in the presence of its President Dr Beena Basnett at the party office.
Prakash Parajuly, who has been given ticket from Manybung Dentam, was earlier an adhoc government teacher.
However, he left his job recently after he faced protests from other teachers Parajuly had said.
Keshar Lal Thapa , HSP candidate from Geyzing Bermoik has been a social worker.
Tashi Topgay Bhutia, who has been given ticket from Rinchenpong, is also a social worker.
Other candidates of HSP include Sukraj Subba from Soreng Chakhung, Philip Lamichaney, a mechanic from Burtuk.
With today’s list, HSP has named 22 candidates.
All the candidates have promised to work in the interest of the people of the constituencies they have been fielded from.
Bhaichung said he will resolve the parking problem of Gangtok if voted to power and cleanliness of MG Marg.
The ex-footballer said he will create jobs for the unemployed youth from Tumin –Lingi as people in the are are facing unemployment and work for the development of sports in the state.
He said two sports persons would be sent to Barcelona for coaching. He will also take players from both the constituencies on an exposure trip across the nation.
Mr Bhutia warned his party candidates against resorting money-politics, and said any member found giving out money to voters would be removed from party membership.