Cong hits back, tweets video of Ravi Shankar Prasad referring JeM chief as ‘Hafiz Syedji’

Tweeter war

In a counter to BJP attack on Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Masood Azharji’ reference, the Congress on Tuesday tweeted a video of Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad referring to Hafiz Syed as ‘Hafiz Syedji’.

Posting the video on her Twitter handle, AICC spokesperson Priyanka Chaturvedi said, ‘Hope this finds pride of place in BJP’s revamped website, as and when it returns. BJP’s admiration of Hafeez Saeed and his ilk also reminds us how they sent their special emissary to Pak, Ved P Vaidik, to have a dialogue with him&hug him. Hugplomacy began from there. #BJPLovesTerrorists’

She also posted pictures of current National security Advisor Ajit Doval handing over Masood Azhar at Kandahar. ‘But this is just one of the many love signs displayed by BJP for Hafeez Saeed, Masood Azhar and ilk. These pics of India’s NSA with Masood Azhar, the nation will never forget,’   Chaturvedi said.

Earlier, in a series of tweets, AICC media in-charge Randeep Singh Surjewala posted links of statement by current NSA Ajit Doval indicting BJP Government in release of terrorist, Masood Azhar . ‘Modi Govt’s NSA, Ajit Doval ’spills the beans’ and indicts BJP Govt in release of terrorist, Masood Azhar (

Doval said, ‘Releasing Masood Azhar was a political decision’. Will PM Modi, @rsprasad admit to the anti-national act now?,’ Mr Surjewala asked.In another tweet, he said, ‘Modi Govt’s NSA, Ajit Doval’s ‘clean chit certificate’ to terrorist, Masood Azhar revealed :

1 Masood doesn’t know how to fabricate an IED.

2 Masood is not a marksman.

3. After releasing Masood, tourism in J&K has gone up by 200 per cent. ‘

Surjewala also tweeted a statement by   Doval in which he saluted the real Nationalistic Policy of Cong-UPA to tackle terror.

‘Modiji’s NSA Ajit Doval salutes the real Nationalistic Policy of Cong-UPA to tackle terror. ‘UPA-Cong came with a categorical policy on hijacking. No concession, no talks.’ Why did the BJP Govt not show the same guts?   Surjewala tweeted.

The BJP had on Monday attacked  Gandhi for his ‘Masood Azharji’ reference to JeM terrorist Masood Azhar.