Historic Charminar suffers minor damage as portion of its minaret falls off

Historic Charminar suffers minor damage as portion of its minaret falls off

One of the minarets of the  historic Charminar  suffered minor damage when a portion of  its stucco lime plaster  fell off on Wednesday night.

Around midnight, a portion of the minaret which had been repaired recently fell within the compound of the monument with a loud voice.

No one was injured in the incident since it happened late in the night.

A large number of panicky people who live in the vicinity of  the monument rushed out  to have a glimpse of the damaged portion of the monument.

Police too arrived at the site and informed the officials of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the custodian of the monument.

Charminar, the symbol Hyderabad, attracts a large number of tourists daily from different parts of the country.