Modi promises separate Ministry for “Jal Shakti”

Modi promises separate Ministry for “Jal Shakti”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said there will be
a separate ministry for “Jal Shakthi” after his government once again assumes office after this Lok
Sabha polls.

Addressing a public meeting here, he said after May 23, when the Modi government will once again assume office, there will be a separate Ministry for Jal Shakti.

‘This Ministry will cater to many aspects relating to water. Focus will be given on water conservation ensuring clean water supply in cities and top class irrigation facilities for farmers’, he added.

Mr Modi said the India of 2019 was very different from India of 2014. ‘Today, India is eliminating poverty faster than ever before. We opened bank accounts for the poor. We ensure LPG connections to poor families and made their kitchens smoke free. This gave major relief to poor women’, he added.

Stating that sanitation coverage was at a dismal 38 percent, the Prime Minister said now it stands at 98 percent. ‘Five years ago, crores of Indians were without health coverage. And now thanks to “Ayushman Bharat,” about 50 crore Indians will get top quality and affordable treatment. All of these were happening due to the blessing of 130 crore Indians,’ he said.

Taking up the local issues, Mr Modi said the government has given importance to connectivity to
this region. ‘We have given importance to connectivity and tourism for this region. Work is fast progressing on doubling of railway tracks between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi.’ The 100-year-old Pamban railway bridge has been transformed into a state-of-the-art bridge.

‘In our Sankalp Patra (election manifesto), we have talked about doubling the port capacity in the coming five years’, he recalled.

Mr.Modi said ‘our hardworking fishermen depend on the seas for their income. Due to lack of proper guidance and warning, a lot of fishermen would cross International waters and were arrested’.

‘Almost 1,900 Indian fishermen have been released from Sri Lanka, thanks to the continued diplomatic initiatives by the government. Some of them who came back were facing death sentence’, he said and added that ‘Your “Chowkidar” has been able to take path-breaking decisions for the welfare of the fishermen’.

“I am a Member of Parliament from Varanasi which is connected to Ramanathapuram by the bonds
of faith and spirituality’, he said.

Observing that his coming to Ramanathapuram reminds him of the great Dr APJ Abdul Kalam,
Mr Modi said Dr.Kalam had several dreams for the nation. ‘Today, it is our duty to fulfill those dreams and take India to new heights of growth and glory’, he added.

Dr.Kalam would have been so happy on the recent success of mission Shakti, the A-SAT missile test. ‘We are creating an India that Dr.Kalam imagines’, the Prime Minister said.

Slamming the Congress, he said those who could not protect India, could never develop the nation. ‘When the Congress and their allies were in power, terrorists were attacking the nation regularly.City after city, there were blasts. But, Congress remained helpless and silent’, he said.

‘When you vote, remember that a vote for Congress, DMK and Muslim League is a vote which will give a free hand to terrorists’, he said.

Asserting that India would not spare a single terrorist or Jihadis, Mr Modi said ‘if they dare to attack us, we will find them from wherever they are and ruin their happiness.’

‘We brought a bill in the Parliament to abolish practice of Triple Talaq, but Congress, DMK and Muslim League opposed it. These parties do not believe in dignity of women’, Mr Modi said.

He charged the Congress, Communist and Muslim League parties with playing a dangerous game regarding the Sabarimala temple. ‘They are using brute force to strike at the root of faith and express. Sadly for them till BJP is there. No one will be able to destroy our faith and culture’, he added.

Flaying the congress, Mr Modi said ‘if you go to Delhi, prime real estate has been used for the memorials of members of one family as if no other person contributed to India except one family.’

He said the Congress, DMK and their “Mahamilawat” alliance has no vision or mission for the nation. Their only glue is hatred for Modi. Day and night they say one thing–remove Modi.’

‘In the process of hating Modi, the opposition has begun to hate India’, he said.

Earlier, addressing an election rally at Theni, Mr.Modi said Rahul Gandhi is not acceptable as a Prime Ministerial candidate to other alliance leaders as all of them aspire for the post.

Mr.Modi who indirectly calls Rahul as “Naamdar” said few days ago, the DMK supremo projected the Naamdaar as Prime Minister. But, no one was ready to accept it. Not even their Mahamilawati friends. Why? Because, they all want to be PM and dream of the post, he added. (UNI)