Resolution of Ram Janambhoomi issue necessary for communal amity in country: Yogi Adityanath

(UNI) Making an appeal to the Supreme court for an early resolution of the ram janambhoomi issue, Uttar Pradesh chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said that it is necessary to maintain commu7nal amity in the country.

Speaking at a programme called ‘jagran forum’ organised by the Jagran group of publications, Mr Adityanath said,’’we appeal to the Supreme court for an early resolution of the issue.’’

In reply to a question, he said,’’whatever is the sentiment of the country is also my feeling. The country runs through the Constitution. All should respect the Constitution.

If this issue had been pending before the state government, we would have resolved it within 24 hours . I feel that every issue can be resolved through dialogue.’’

Responding to a question, Mr Yogi Adityanath said that the state government has tried to give Ayodhya its identity.