UP Cong leader, on fast unto death, refuses to relent till Rahul withdraws resignation

Senior Congress leader and state spokesperson Pradeep Singh on Wednesday refused to end his fast-unto-death demanding that party president Rahul Gandhi withdraws his resignation after the Lok Sabha debacle.

Mr Singh told UNI here that though state party president Raj Babbar has urged him to end his fast as Rahul has suspended his decision for three months, he was determined to continue till an official communication reached him. Singh commenced his fast at the state party headquarters on Tuesday evening.
“I have informed the state president that till any official information was given to us or someone from the party high command speak to us, I will not withdraw my fast,” the leader being supported by senior party leaders, including Amarnath Agarwal, said.

Meanwhile, in support of the spokesperson, several senior party leaders have joined Pradeep Singh in his fast.