20 Coaches Vande Bharat: In a major development for train passengers, Indian Railways is set to introduce two 20-coach Vande Bharat Express trains in Kerala on January 10, 2025. These trains will be the country’s third and fourth indigenous-developed semi-high-speed trains with 20 coaches. Following the success of similar trains launched last year on the New Delhi-Varanasi and Nagpur-Secunderabad routes, these new trains promise to ease the pressure of high passenger demand, especially during peak seasons.
Vande Bharat Express: Full Schedule & Route Details
Once operational, these new trains will connect Thiruvananthapuram and Kasaragod. The train will depart from Thiruvananthapuram at 5:15 AM, arriving in Kasaragod at 1:20 PM. On the return journey, the train will leave Kasaragod at 2:30 PM and reach Thiruvananthapuram at 10:40 PM. The services will run daily, except Thursdays.
These Vande Bharat trains, built at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, are a significant upgrade from the current 8-coach and 16-coach versions, aiming to meet growing passenger demand.
Ticket Fare and Travel Times
- Thiruvananthapuram-Kasaragod-Thiruvananthapuram Express:
- Train Number: 20634/20633
- Distance: 588 km
- Duration: 8 hours 5 minutes
- Fare: Rs 1590 for AC Chair Car, Rs 2880 for Executive Chair Car
- Tirunelveli-Chennai Egmore-Tirunelveli Express:
- Train Number: 20666/20665
- Distance: 653 km
- Duration: 7 hours 50 minutes
- Fare: Rs 1665 for AC Chair Car, Rs 3055 for Executive Chair Car
These new Vande Bharat Express trains will replace the existing 8-car and 16-car services, providing a more comfortable and efficient travel experience for passengers in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.