Cong takes pot shot at Trump for not mentioning Mahatma

Cong takes pot shot at Trump for not mentioning Mahatma

New Delhi: Congress on Monday criticised US President Donald Trump for not mentioning Mahatma Gandhi in the visitor book of Sabarmati Ashram and instead praising Modi and called him “great friend” (PM Modi) and called his tour a “wonderful visit”

“This is a snapshot of the note that someone sent. It ostensibly is @realDonaldTrumps note at Sabarmati. No mention of the Great Mahatma. Does he even know who Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was?” Manish Tewari wrote while tweeting the pictures of the visitor book.

Tewari also shared the picturess of Barack Obama who praised Gandhi during his visit. “And this is what @barackobama had to say about the Great Mahatma possibly at Rajghat or Sabarmati.

“The distinction cannot be more stark…The visiting US president Barack Obama wrote about Gandhi in 2010 that ‘a hero just not to… India but for the whole world’.”

“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. Messrs Modi and Trump doing their best to prove Einstein right in a way he didn’t intend — by erasing the Mahatma from his abode!” tweeted Tharoor