Election Coming: Registration for new voters is open now

Election Coming

Election Coming: The Final Electoral Roll-2024 was published on 05.01.2024 w.r.t. 01.01.2024 as qualifying date which is available with all the Booth Level Officers (B.L.O.) and in the office of ERO-cum-Sub-Collector for inspection.

Further, the copy of the Electoral Roll has been hosted on the website of CEO, Odisha (ceoodisha.nic.in). Voters can check their details accordingly. Eligible citizens apply Form-6 for fresh inclusion and Form-8 for migration online through the portal (voters. eci.gov.in) or by downloading Voter Helpline App.

Voters can also contact the Booth Level Officer for the purpose. It is to be mentioned here that 1,07,751 number of advance applications have been received who are eligible to be enrolled with respect to 01.04.24, 01.07.24, 01.10.24 as qualifying date. These applications will be processed in due course.