Reducing engineers to dogsbodies ! VVIP racism in Yogi’s domain

Samikhsya Bureau

Moving little away from the politics of appeasement, Uttar Pradesh government has set an example of slavery in politics. Where your academic qualification or erudition or self-pride reduces to a naught before the mostly unlettered or semi-literate bunch of people in politics.

The occasion, as reports appeared in several platforms, was the proposed five day visit of UP chief minister Adityanath Yogi to Mirzapur, to oversee Ganga river.

The administration issued an order asking some Engineers to be on guard for the occasion to ensure that, no stray animal, in any way, disturbs the convoy of the CM!

So the concerned department, the PWD to be specific, issued the order deploying nine junior engineers, with ropes in their hands, eyes open and on the toes, to stop any stray animal crossing the CM’s path!

This is the absurdity that only politics can spring through its hubris and make a mockery of some who can be worthier than the ‘netas’ .

Such a diktat can,  in fact, flabbergast anyone. So it did. And the local Engineers’ Association reacted to it rather in their modest way and refused to undertake such a duty.

It was then that the official order to make the engineers to chase the animals straying into the VVIP circuits was withdrawn. Which was, perhaps, not a result of a wisdom coming in hind-sight but as a result of the protest by the engineers only.