Academy releases 91st Oscars shortlists

Published: Dec 18, 2018, 11:21 am IST

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Monday announced shortlists in consideration for the 91st Academy Awards in nine categories, including foreign language films, documentaries, music, visual effects and shorts.
It is the first time for the organization to release those shortlists in consideration for Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, on the same day.
Nine films will advance to the next round of voting in the Foreign Language Film category. A total of 87 films, including three Chinese-language films, had originally been considered in the category.
According to the Academy, Los Angeles-based Academy members from all branches screened the original submissions in the category between mid-October and Dec 10. The group’s top six choices, augmented by three additional selections voted by the Academy’s Foreign Language Film Award Executive Committee, constitute the shortlist.

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