UK Hysteria over alleged Russia threat coincides with Brexit aggravation -Security Council

Published: Dec 19, 2018, 9:43 am IST

Each new stage of London’s hysteria over alleged threat coming from Russia coincides with aggravation in the Brexit process, Alexander Venediktov, an aide to the Russian Security Council secretary, said in an interview with Sputnik.
“The UK-related example is an illustrative one. Each new stage of hysteria over alleged Russian threat coincides with aggravation of crisis related to the painful Brexit process. This is already a system, a smoothly running and predictable one,” Venediktov said.
The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a referendum in June 2016 and is expected to do so by late March 2019.
On December 11, UK Prime Minister Theresa May postponed the vote on her Brexit deal with the European Union, which led to a vote of no confidence against May later in the week. Though she won the vote 200 to 117, the future of Brexit deal is not yet decided and no-deal Brexit also remains possible.

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