India (IoT) can reach 2 billion connections by 2022: study

Published: Dec 25, 2018, 7:21 am IST

(UNI) Internet of Things (IoT) market has the potential to reach two billion connections and unlock revenues of 11.1 billion dollars by 2022, an ASSOCHAM-EY joint report said.

About five new mobile connections per second are estimated to join the power of Internet in India by 2022, the report estimated.

The National Digital Communication Policy (NDCP) 2018 is a progressive policy that embeds broadband in the fabric of India’s digital economy and gives a roadmap for a digital future.

According to an ASSOCHAM-EY report — Propelling India to a trillion dollar digital economy — outlines immediate interventions and medium to long-term endeavours required to implement the vision and strategy of this transformative policy which has the potential to unlock a trillion dollar digital economy by 2022 and lead the Fourth Industrial revolution in India.

While potential is huge, India, however, currently lags behind the US, China and Korea in connectivity via optical fibre, stated the study. A meagre 25 per cent of telecom towers in India carry optical fiber whereas the share in the US, China and Korea is about 65-80 per cent.

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