Rs 2 Cr spent on Janabhar rally address by PM: CM Thakur

Published: Feb 7, 2019, 3:50 pm IST

(UNI) Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur today stated in the House that around Rs 2.31 crore were spent by the state on ‘Janabhar’ rally organised on the one year completion of state government held on Dec. 27, 2018.
In a written reply to a question by Congress member from Kinnaur, Mr. Jagat Singh Negi during Question Hour, the Chief Minister said 441 state transport buses and 63 private buses were hired for the Jan Abhar rally. He said no school bus was hired for the rally held at Police ground Dharamshala.
In another reply to a question by leader of opposition, Mr. Mukesh Agnihotri, the Chief Minister told the House that in all 199 persons were declared state guests from Jan 1, 2018 to Jan 15, 2019, which involved an expenditure of Rs 2.01 crore from public coffers. 

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