UN climate chief calls for strong outcome as divisions remain at conference

Published: Dec 12, 2018, 7:04 am IST

The Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Patricia Espinosa, on Tuesday urged governments to push for a strong and effective outcome of a major UN climate conference as divisions still remain.
The two-week 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC, which runs until Friday in the southern Polish city of Katowice, aims to adopt the implementation guidelines of the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement to provide clarity on how to carry out the accord fairly for all participating countries.
“Many political divisions remain. Many issues still must be overcome. But I believe it’s within our grasp to finish the job,” said Espinosa, adding “Let’s complete the Paris Agreement Work Program and, by doing so, immediately unleash the power of the Paris Agreement itself.”
The COP24 runs into the second week of high-level negotiations after the first week of technical talks ended with more than 100 ministers now in Katowice.

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