India Greens condemns ‘snooping’ notification, calls it draconian

Published: Dec 23, 2018, 11:13 am IST

(UNI) The India Greens, country’s first green party, has condemned the Modi Government’s notification giving mandate to intelligence, police and tax agencies to intercept messages on electronic devices like laptops, computer and mobile devices, etc.
Describing the notification draconian and violative of Article-21 of the Constitution, the India Greens said in a statement issued here on Sunday by its Vice-President Prashant Tandon that “the Modi Government is converting democratic India into an Orwellian state where citizens will have no privacy, freedom of expression and dignity”.
The party has demanded that the central government immediately withdraw the notification.
“India Greens is committed to preservation of civil and democratic rights of the people and will oppose the police state Mr Modi is trying to impose at the expense of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution,” the press statement added.
According to the press statement, the issue will be discussed in the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) of the party which will take a decision for further action plan if notification was not withdrawn before 31st December this year.

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