2019 Lok Sabha polls would end politics of cast, creed and appeasement: Amit Shah

Published: Dec 24, 2018, 7:25 am IST

(UNI) BJP President Amit Shah said on Sunday that upcoming 2019 Lok Sabha polls would end the politics of caste, creed, appeasement and favoritism and would prove to be last nail in the coffin of those indulging in such politics.​

​​Addressing the booth level party workers and leaders in Delhi, Mr Shah said that there were countless reasons to vote Prime Minister Narendra Modi to power again. He said, the BJP’s victory in 2019 polls would ensure that the country’s politics was free from these negative practices in politics.​

​Mr Shah said, in Delhi, the contest would be mainly between three major players – BJP, AAP and Congress. He alleged that till date, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal and Congress Chief Rahul Gandhi​ spoke the highest number of lies in the history of politics.​

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