Poll defeat in three states has done away with complacency in BJP, says Dr Swamy

Published: Dec 25, 2018, 9:50 am IST

(UNI) Trying to make some plain speaking, BJP leader and former Union Minister Subramanian Swamy has said that the recent defeat in three Hindi-heartland states will help the party emerge out of the ‘complacency’ and restart working for the all important win in 2019.
“I think that the Congress has won a battle and as a consequence will lose the war. Defeat of BJP in the recent Assembly elections has woken up the complacent in our party,” BJP leader tweeted.
He also wrote: “With defeat staring in our face, there is new determination to win the 2019
Lok Sabha election”.
The BJP’s election defeat in three crucial states of Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh has left the party’s poll strategists concerned.
In some quarters the concern was all the more as closer scrutiny of figures suggest the saffron party’s vote share dropped in constituencies where Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath campaigned.
However, some internal analysts say the ‘weakening’ of party in the three states only show that party’s dependence on ‘Modi factor’ is going to increase.

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