Relook at all costs and rebuild revenues in 2019: Jet Airways to employees

Published: Dec 28, 2018, 3:23 pm IST

(UNI) Jet Airways chairman Naresh Goyal has urged his employees not to be distracted by media speculations and asked them to relook at all costs and rebuild yields and revenues.

“This is a time when around the world there is a global pause to take stock, chart fresh resolves and shore up courage to face the unknowns of the New Year…Stronger then, should be our resolve to relook at all costs and rebuild our yields and revenues,” Mr Goyal said in a New Year Mail to his employees on Thursday.

He said without doubt, 2018 has been a tough year. In fact, it has been a challenging year globally between unresolved Brexit issues, the China-America trade war, the continuing instabilities in the Middle East, the worsening environment crisis at home the evolving political scene across the nation.

However, he expected that with oil prices declining, the airline has rationalised the operations on some of the routes and this would be an ongoing process along with opening of new routes, such as the Mumbai-Manchester and Pune-Singapore services.

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