World Menstrual Hygiene Day: celebrates in Bhubaneswar

World Menstrual Hygiene Day

World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Young adolescent girls from different parts of the city, gathered to celebrate the International Menstrual Hygiene Day today and showcase their talents through films, exhibition, art, crafts dance, songs and other cultural activities.

Throughout the day, the participants had the opportunity to engage in interactive discussions on menstruation issues with experts and listen to speakers who deliberated on the importance of menstrual health and hygiene. The event was jointly organized by VIEWS, Global Glow and Dakshin Foundation and was thoughtfully designed to engage and educate participants.

Abha Mishra, State Representative of UNDP Odisha; Bishakha Bhanja from NAWO;Shipra Saxena from UNICEF; Noor Malik from UNFPA; Rudra Prasad Pradhan, State Programme Manager at JHPIEGO;  Sneha Mishra, Secretary of AAINA; Gouranga Mohapatra from Dakshin Foundation; Bikas Kumar Pati from WaterAid;. Ipsa Sarangi from NFI;. Biraj Laxmi Sarangi from PCI;Minati Singha, Journalist at Times of India; and Tazeen Qureshy, Independent Journalist spoke during the event and provided valuable insights into different aspects of menstruation in the lives of adolescent girls and offered solutions to address the challenges they might encounter.

Prizes were distributed under three categories -Best Artwork, Best Short Film and Best NGO Excellence award for MHM. “Periods or any taboo around it should not affect a girl child to grow to her fullest potential. Do not let anything from seizing the opportunities before you,” said Abha Mishra, State Representative of UNDP Odisha.

“Being ashamed of periods is a thing of the past. It is wonderful to witness how grassroots organisations have successfully changed the narrative of menstruation in the past few years. The very fact that young girls in this room have reached here to discuss and listen about menstruation is proof of this massive shift in mindset,” said Ipsa Sarangi from NFI

Selvin Bheema Rao, Executive Director of VIEWS said, “It is important to work with communities to break the silence around menstruation and to promote good menstrual hygiene practices. Supporting women and girls through menstrual hygiene education, access to menstrual products, and mental/psychological support through Adolescent groups has shown excellent results in the urban slums of Bhubaneswar. We wish every girl to live a healthy and empowered life.”